Something seems to change in the international and, particularly, in the European debate on development and development policy. During the past decades, culture has been having, unfortunately a marginal role in the development policies of international institutions and donors. Still today, culture is too frequently the last item of long policy wish lists and is often left out of the development policy strategies due to lack of funding. However, in the last years, the European Union (EU) has been taking steps towards a redefinition of the relation between culture and development, to the point that for the European Union, culture is now increasingly recognized as an important part of its main development policy. 

Launching a new publication on the synergy between culture and development came as a genuine impulse of the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency, that were highly encouraged by the significant latest achievements made in upgrading the cultural dimension.

The booklet contains a contribution from Mimeta on African Tour Circuit (African Synergy). Download the booklet here:

AuthorCato Litangen