Moroccan Racines was established in 2010 by a group of cultural and human rights activists. The organization advocates and campaign for cultural development in Morocco and Africa, and is the National Chapter of Arterial Network. Racines is a good example og a typical service provider to the arts- and cultural sector.
AuthorCato Litangen
CategoriesCulture policy

Today, Mali is experiencing an unprecedented crisis and cultural actors have not been on the sidelines of this great change in progress. More than ever, it is urgent to produce artistic and cultural thoughts likely to change practices and behaviors that threaten the cultural intelligence of our society. See more in KYA Networks second issue of its cultural Magazine.


The purpose of the conference was to redefine what independence means to this sector, to identify its aspirations and its available resources and potential, and to revise its strategies and its current and prospective roles with respect to the social and political changes that are now unfolding.