Mimeta would like to invite you as a funding partner to a meeting on Thursday 23rd  March 11:30 – 16:00 (lunch included, venue tbc) to discuss this Artist at Risk funding Initiative, and confirm partnerships with those interested. The meeting will take place in cooperation with and around ICORN annual network meeting, 22-24 March in Brussels

Artists mostly fall short when the fight for freedom of expression is proclaimed in international forums. The focus is on the media and journalists, political dissidents, and rights activists. A little over a year ago, then Norwegian Foreign Minister Søreide launched the ministry's Strategy for freedom of expression in foreign and development policy. The strategy marked a breakthrough for artistic expression. They were included as part of the work for freedom of expression in Norway's foreign policy.


Brett Davidson is the Narrative Lead at IRIS (read about the partnership between Mimeta and IRIS here). What makes narrative change so hard? Non-profits and funders can go too far in pointing fingers at their own shortcomings, and the reality is that they are playing on an uneven psychological field, explains Brett Davidson for the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Brett Davidson, a narrative strategist with deep experience in health equity, is particularly interested in the role of storytelling, popular culture, and arts activism in bringing about social change (from IRIS Hopepage)


En av Arendalsukas største begivenheter i år var da Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen la frem sin rapport, som også omfatter et kapittel om kunstnerisk frihet. Den sier at «Knapt noen steder i verden ligger forholdene like godt til rette for en velfungerende ytringsfrihet og sunn ytringskultur enn i Norge. Det gjelder også for kunstnere og den kunstneriske friheten. Med dette utgangspunktet følger også et ansvar for å engasjere seg i kunstneres kår andre steder i verden, der forholdene er langt mer krevende. Norske myndigheter og kunstnerorganisasjoner bør være pådrivere og rollemodeller for kunstnerisk frihet også internasjonalt.