About programs managed by Mimeta

Mimeta is organizing the societal change portfolio as programs where change and its effect (benefit or gain) is the ultimate delivery. A program’s mission is to ensure that the desired gains are realized.

Mimeta operates with a commitment to compliance, pro-activity, and an orientation towards continual learning. This is the mission statement of our organization. Our approach is characterized by a reputation for being knowledgeable and systematic doers, allowing us to navigate complex landscapes with effectiveness and impact for the constituencies we serve. These are our values.

Core staff are experts in change management, funds management and sociocultural research, and qualifies Mimeta as an excellent Impact Management partner.

What is a program?

Programs distinguish themselves from projects through unique sets of principles, management themes, roles, and processes. Their design centers around achieving a specific purpose and a defined set of gains or effects. Unlike projects, the guiding factors for programs are not solely determined by the size of the assignment, allocated resources, or scope, but rather by a focused approach.

Crucially, programs embody a commitment to genuine cooperation as a fundamental element of success. This cooperative approach is embedded in their structure and philosophy, emphasizing the collaborative efforts needed to achieve overarching goals

The set-up contains, and relates to, different initiatives, projects and efforts that adhere to the values, objectives and strategies of the program. Even efforts that are running independently from the program may be included in the measures of delivery, if significant.

The program´s concentrated efforts extend to supporting both structural aspects and the refinement of activities that are performed. This entails not only strengthening the operational foundations of involved parties but also addressing the intricacies of their missions —providing guidance on navigating policy processes, optimizing resource allocation, and ensuring the sustained impact of the program´s collective endeavors. Mimeta is dedicated to fostering a robust ecosystem within the collective enabling the program to play a significant role in the matter envisioned for the program

Tasks may be organized in a distributed manner, involving different expertise and entities, and the program has different roles, such as sponsors, participants, and task Managers, along with those associated with the program ownership.

Roles of a program:

While each program is uniquely designed, shaped by distinct visions, purposes, strategies, constraints, and constituencies, they share common key roles. These essential roles are outlined below:

These organizations are providing essential financial resources for the Program. Each sponsor actively participates with the shared goal of realizing the Program's objectives in an informed, cooperative, effective, and coordinated process.

Trust in the synergies derived from cooperation
Their commitment is grounded in trust and is emphasizing principles of good governance and sound financial management. Sponsors recognize the value of impact management, encompassing robust reporting, the generation of new knowledge, and a culture of continuous learning, as significant and beneficial outcomes arising from their active participation in the initiative. They also have trust in the synergies derived from cooperation.

Participation for special purposes
Sponsors have the opportunity to make direct investments in various facets of the program, such as re-granting schemes, advocacy campaigns, knowledge development, program management, impact management, or for specific activities and projects or within limitations like a geographical focus that adhere to the particular sponsors´ focus.

Reporting as requirement
Another level of engagement involves sponsors who value the of cooperation and synergies from it, but also uses their participation for identifying proposals or participants for direct funding, independently of the program's mechanisms and services. However, while participating in the program, and thus align with its objectives and strategy, it is essential that sponsors are open for reporting requirements from the program also in such instances.

Clarifying the sponsors' position at the start and keeping this clear throughout the program period is central to program management.

Representatives from the participants is a main group included in the process leading up to defining the Program, its design and priorities. Also, the continuous engagement of participants is central to the Program´s success. These are organizations and individuals that share the ideas of the defined Program and are willingly to invest in making it stronger.

Participants are mainly implementing organizations eligible for financial support, part of the constituencies of the implementing organizations or other interested parties that may contribute to the benefit of the program. They may be nominated as members of representative bodies in the program, have responsibilities for designated tasks or take part in the the program assurance processes. In addition to activities designed for engagement or coordination of efforts, the program will provide capacity-building support, training programs, networking opportunities and mentorship initiatives open for the participants.

Program Owner:
The board of Mimeta is involved as the responsible party for the good governance aspects of the Program. They have the authority in delegation of duties and the board constitutes the body for complaints and notifications within the Program. The executive director of Mimeta assumes the role of program owner, being primarily accountable for ensuring that the program achieves its goals. The program owner brings experience, professional competence, and the authority required to lead and inspire the program management group throughout the entire lifecycle—from the initiation phase to the realization of results and gains.

Program Board:
Comprising the program owner, the program manager, Impact Manager, Funds Manager and designated Task-Managers, the Program Board serves as an operational management group dedicated to supporting the program owner in successfully delivering the program.

Program Manager:
Tasked with the initiation and overall management of the program's progress, the program manager is responsible for bringing the program's benefits to fruition. This includes managing dependencies, coordinating activities, and resolving resource conflicts among the various projects and measures implemented by the program.

Program Assurance:
This role focuses on overseeing the processes within the program to provide management with confidence that the program is on the right track, while also issuing warnings if deviations occur. This an independent role of the elements it safeguards. Program assurance integrates its activities into plans and coordination right from the outset. Linked to key decision points, especially during periods of uncertainty, this role actively engages in interventions to ensure the program's success and takes proactive measures in case of any deviations.

Task managers:
Task managers play a crucial role with assigned operational responsibilities within the program, overseeing various functions or projects that operate either internally or on behalf of the program. The delegation of task management authority stems from the Board of Mimeta, and Task Managers actively contribute as integral members of the Program Board.

Two key task: 1) Finance, compliance, and risk, and 2) Impact management, are both normally held by the Program Owner.

Impact Management: The Impact Manager assumes a central role in ensuring the success and adaptability of the initiative through regular monitoring, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms. This includes periodic reviews to keep the initiative on track and responsive to changing circumstances. Beyond quantitative metrics, the Impact Manager performs qualitative assessments through surveys, interviews, and case studies, offering valuable insights into the initiative's impact.

Operational responsibilities of the Impact Manager extend to designing, conducting, reporting, and publishing impact assessments on behalf of the Program and the stakeholders involved. The results of these assessments serve not only the internal tracking of impact but also contribute to a broader understanding of the program's influence within its constituency.

In addition to impact management, the program is committed to providing capacity-building support to funded organizations. This support encompasses a comprehensive range of initiatives, including tailored training programs, networking opportunities, and mentorship initiatives. The goal is to enhance the effectiveness of these organizations in key areas such as financial management, compliance, risk mitigation, and impact management. By investing in the capacity-building of funded organizations, the program seeks to create a more sustainable ecosystem.

Finance, compliance, and risk: The Program Owner plays a pivotal role in the financial management of the program, ensuring its efficient execution. This encompasses robust oversight of compliance and risk considerations, with a focus on monitoring mechanisms aligned with the program's objectives, extending beyond the traditional scope of financial oversight.

In instances where certain funders express reservations about reallocating their assets through the program, they demonstrate eagerness to actively engage with and derive benefits from the program's objectives, discussions, working methodologies, and the innovative ideas, initiatives, and proposals identified by the Program. In these cases, funders are obliged to furnish reports back to Mimeta, serving as a crucial criterion for their continued participation.

The financial aspects of the program are comprehensive, covering accounting, allocations, transactions, and reporting, all adhering to best practices for financial management, compliance, and risk mitigation. This meticulous approach ensures transparency, accountability, and the sustained success of the program, addressing potential challenges and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards

Clearinghouse: This function is outsourced from the program, typically to an international auditing firm. It encompasses a comprehensive range of responsibilities related to financial oversight, including the execution of transactions and financial reporting. The clearinghouse is instrumental in monitoring all aspects of compliance, risk assessments, implementing due diligence routines, and monitoring of the program's code of conduct. Its role extends to providing various reassurances that guide and ensure the integrity of the program's operations.

Benefitting Funders:

  • Program Organization: Mimeta specializes in dynamic program organization, employing a change-oriented approach to action strategies. By embracing adaptability, we ensure that our programs evolve with the ever-shifting landscape of artistic rights, offering funders a robust framework for impactful and enduring initiatives.

  • Strategic Action Planning: Change-oriented strategies sets the stage for effective interventions. Mimeta meticulously designs strategies that not only respond to current needs but also anticipate and navigate future developments in the realm of artistic rights. This forward-looking approach empowers funders with a proactive stance in supporting global artistic endeavors.

  • Strategic Partnership Selection: Navigating the global landscape of artistic rights requires strategic partnerships. Mimeta excels in making informed and strategic choices in collaborative efforts, ensuring that funders align with entities that share a common vision and commitment to advancing artistic freedoms on a global scale.

  • Effective Governance Practices: Mimeta places a premium on good governance, encompassing both financial oversight and robust compliance and risk management. Our commitment to sound governance practices provides funders with confidence in the effective stewardship of resources and the mitigation of potential risks, fostering a secure and sustainable environment for artistic rights initiatives.

  • Comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL): We believe in transparency and accountability. Mimeta provides a comprehensive reporting framework that serves as the foundation for assessing results and cultivating knowledge. Through meticulous reporting, funders gain valuable insights into the impact of their support, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and informed decision-making in the pursuit of artistic rights globally.


Benifitting Partners:

  • Engagement in Program Development: Strategic partners that are collaborating with Mimeta actively participate in the co-creation and refinement of programs. This collaborative engagement ensures that initiatives are tailored to local contexts and specific fields of work, allowing partners to contribute their expertise and insights, fostering a sense of ownership and relevance.

  • Advancement of Sound Governance Practices: Mimeta places a strong emphasis on the continual improvement of governance practices. By partnering with us, organizations have the opportunity to further develop and refine their governance practices. This collaborative effort ensures that partners are establishing a foundation for effective and sustainable implementation within their regions.

  • Enhancement of Reporting Capabilities: Strategic partners benefit from the continuous development of robust reporting capabilities. Mimeta facilitates the development of reporting practices, ensuring that partners can effectively communicate the impact of their initiatives. This enhancement supports partners in articulating their achievements and challenges, strengthening their position in the broader landscape of social and artistic rights initiatives.

  • Participation in Structured Strategy and Policy Processes: Collaborating with Mimeta grants strategic partners the opportunity to actively participate in structured strategy and policy processes. This involvement ensures that partners have a voice in shaping the overarching direction of initiatives, contributing to the development of effective strategies and policies that align with their specific focus areas and regional contexts.

  • Involvement in Knowledge Development for Social Change: Mimeta fosters a collaborative environment for knowledge development aimed at driving social change. Strategic partners actively engage in knowledge-sharing processes, leveraging their expertise to contribute to a collective understanding of best practices and innovative approaches. This collaborative knowledge development empowers partners to be at the forefront of positive social change within their respective fields.

By aligning with Mimeta, strategic partners not only amplify the impact of their initiatives but also benefit from a dynamic and collaborative ecosystem that prioritizes continuous improvement and collective learning.

How to Contribute?

Mimeta brings together stakeholders in a unified effort, fostering collaboration as they collectively share a vision and strategy for a program. Participants willingly contribute funds, expertise, time, network or other resources to drive the intended changes. If you consider your assets valuable for realizing any of the Mimeta Programs we ask you to leave contacting details and short notice on how you can contribute.


The vision of Mimeta is to give GIVE PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO FREE CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS, created on free terms and presented by independent institutions.
The mission is to support and protect those who want to enhance a culture by aesthetic or intellectual means. By both vision and mission highlight the impact arts and creativity have on developing open societies, including the culture itself. The long-term impact is to provide free artistic practice to individuals. To achieve the intended impact, Mimeta focuses on outcomes that ensure protection for artists, storytellers, producers, and their works against abuse, censorship, legal or social persecution, and outcomes that increase accessibility for people to participate in artistic practice. These two outcomes constitute the universal artistic rights (ref. art 27).

On the strategic level Mimeta is achieving results by supporting organizations and individuals who work on behalf of the arts and media, to improve the sectors´ position on rights issues, in political and legal matters, on professionalism and skills, the distribution of the free expression and - in the end - the sustainability of the sector. 

Thus, Mimeta works with partners that address these issues on behalf of their sectors. At the same time, we see that changes cannot be achieved, unless the need for change is understood, embraced, and advocated for by a community wider than the practitioners themselves, turning the stories into a widely adopted narrative for change. Storytelling is in this context also a tool for change. In this way, we work both for the universal rights that belong to the practitioners, and we see they’re free expressions as a prerequisite for making change in societies